Tuesday, August 18, 2009


See? I really do pay attention.

As you may or may not remember, I debuted this kick-butt DIY skirt last week. Well, one lovely reader made the suggestion of wearing it as a dress. So, now it is the dress, DIYed into a skirt, worn as a dress. Counter-productive much?

Anyway, thanks a bunch for the suggestion, Kelly (of blackdog finds - her new blog - check it out!), because it was perfect for the heat today!

8-18-09 1

Since the plaid can be a bit much, accessories almost need to work against it in order to hit the right note all around. With that in mind, I cinched it with my black obi belt, added my black wedges with a hint of metal detailing, and then finished it with wooden earrings and bracelets.

It was far too warm today to get anywhere near a hair dryer, let alone straightening iron, so it's slicked back and up. This is probably the next best thing to a buzz cut in the summer months.

8-18-09 2

On another note, it has officially been one month and one day since a quit my job. And I'm happy to report that all of the bills are paid and we haven't had to crack the ole' nest egg. AND I managed to pick up three more jobs today! Turns out I'm a big deal around here. (haha - I can barely write that without laughing!) Either way, that's something to happy-dance about...

8-18-09 3

P.S. Did you notice my new toe polish? Gross, I know, but I swear it's really cool! I was inspired by the one and only Glamourai.


  1. the color on your toenails is ADORABLE! I really need to start painting my nails again. I have a feeling it'd give me the extra boost my look has been needing. That and some new necklaces... my current choices are getting tired.

  2. Yeah, that post by the Glamourai totally inspired me too. I need to invest in some green!! I love how you used the accessories to tone down the plaid, and you look TOTALLY adorable. Love it.

  3. Love the look - especially the contrast between the belt and the dress. Fabulous!

  4. It has such a great proportion this way, a standout!

  5. Okay super cute as a dress, and those shoes are to die for! Loving it. Yes I agree, top knots rock!

  6. That belt makes it a fab dress too- perfect and flattering. Still not brave enough for the toenails, but I think they're cute.

  7. I think I like it better as a dress!!! Oh to have the hourglass thing like you...Adorable!!!

  8. I love it as a dress! the colors are so great for you. I really like the belt choice you made!

  9. i love how that worked out! the shape, the colors, everything. it´s divine. (my toenails are dior pink right now, i´m loving it)

  10. Love it as a dress....so much potential for a plaid that at first glance wouldn't catch my eye! Love it. The toenail polish does the trick with this look. I tried it with a dress that I thought looked just right. The next day I had to dress down and removed it. However, I missed it and wish I had it on again today. Wear it and love it!!!!!!!!!! No matter what it is worth it if you can look at your toes and it makes you smile. :)

  11. Hey, Iggy. We see the leash. Where are you, sweetie?

  12. The skirt looks so good as a dress! It's great to have versatility in your garments...and thanks for writing such an inspiring blog, I've been reading it for a while but have only just got up the nerve to say hi!

  13. love the belt and it totally breaks the plaid pattern and gives it a tough look. Honestly never thought that the skirt would look this good as a dress, but guess what you know how to work it gal!!!
    and congrats on the new jobs!!
    keep rocking

  14. This is probably one of your best outfits! And the blue toe nail polish is cute, not gross.

  15. It looks FABULOUS!! I love it as a dress! =)

  16. looks great! love the dog leash as accessory. and congrats on the jobs :)

  17. Congrats on being in such high demand!

    Love it back as a dress- the belt really seals the deal with this for me though. Really great combination.

    Like a fashion cowboy! haha

    LOVE THE PLAID PRINT! and your nails!


  19. Looks great, Kyla! (Thanks for the mention)!

  20. Very cute. I think this is my favorite of the two.

  21. BTW...HOLY SHIT!
    You are going to NY! woot woot (raising roof). That is soo cool!
    I am jelous, bring me back something nice. LOL

  22. Looking lovely as usual! I'm so glad the career change is working out for you...sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith :)

  23. I love the belt with the plaid! Looks awesome :)

  24. How funny, I got a similiar color on my toenails, and guess what?
    I was inspired by the Glamourai as well.
    I love the color!!!
    You can see it here :-)



I LOVE to hear from my awesome readers, so let me know what you're thinking! If you don't have a blog, please leave your email, so that I can respond and/or answer any questions. Always, Kyla

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