Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I LOOOOVE the way mixed florals look, but I've never had the right stuff to make it happen. Or at least , I didn't think I had the right stuff. (There's a possibility that you may have NKOTB running through your head now. If you didn't, bet you do now. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh-oh ... the right stuff...)

8-19-09 1

Anyway, turns out both of these pieces have been living in my closet for quite some time now. The heat and a long day of work called for comfy, comfy cotton. This sundress is just that. It's from the clearance rack at JCP last summer for SUPER cheap and the shirt was given to me by my mom who picked it up second-hand.

8-19-09 2

Still loving the tied button-down over a dress thing. I just think there's something kind of understatedly yet sexy about it. I don't know...

8-19-09 3

Sorry to be so short, but the Meatball is patiently waiting for me to watch some ER. TV on DVD. That's how we roll.


  1. Wonderful pattern mixing! Hope you had a great day!

  2. Beautiful. I love it! Oh, and TV on DVD is pretty much all Joe and I do anymore. Grey's Anatomy for me, Stargate for him. We switch off.

  3. I'm glad these pieces met, they make a wonderful combo:)

  4. These patterns look great together, and that dress is fabulous!

  5. I hate you for putting that song in my head! I giggled when I saw your outfit because I am wearing a linen shirt today...tied in a knot... lol. CHANNELLING KYLA!

  6. Thanks for the New Kids reference...made my day.

  7. Live TV is for suckers! We rock NetFlix and TiVo all the way. We love NetFlix for plowing through the whole life of a TV series in a few months. None of this one season per year nonsense!

    Ahem. I love the button down over dress thing- keeps it all very relaxed and laid back.

  8. nice pattern mixing...cute dress


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