Monday, August 17, 2009


Like a good little grasshopper, I seem to be preparing for the winter already. While I'm LOVING taking all of my pictures outside, it has occurred to me that at some point in the coming months, I will no longer have that luxury. Hence, the practice shoot.

8-17-09 1

And since I was feeling very secretary today, I opted for the bookshelf. We just updated our office this spring and I LOVE the look of this corner shelf.

8-17-09 2

I'm just workin' it at home today, then out for some errands, then an evening meeting. I kind of cheated a little and wore this for my meeting yesterday, but I only had it on for about 2 hours. No harm, no foul smell.

8-17-09 3

Both of these pieces are from the glorious Sears clearance rack this past spring. The top was only $10 and the skirt $13. Can't beat that. Add to it a $7.50 belt from Ross and $8 flats from JCP and you've got yourself a major steal.

Don't try this at home, kids. I am a professional.


  1. Adorable as usual!

    Since I'm still new to all this, I kinda forgot that come winter I'll have to do my self style photos indoors. Oh noes!

  2. That skirt was $13?! I'm going to channel Elaine and say GET OUT! I LOVE this outfit. It is something I would totally wear myself! The top is gorgeous, too!! I just loveth the whole look.

  3. That mustard top is delicious...
    DAMMIT! Now I want a hot dog...

  4. They top is so great! I can't get my camera to focus indoors!! I suck at photography. Or at least using my self timer. And how come you look so cute when you pose? I sometimes look like I'm constipated or something. :)

  5. Well, well, well, don't you look appetizing!

  6. Oh my gosh, the detailing and color on that top is delightful!! And I love it with the fun circle skirt! You look lovely.

  7. Such a great outfit at amazing prices! I'm super impressed - you look totally fab!

  8. Oh, how I love this outfit! That skirt is fantastic on you.

  9. love that top more than my life!

  10. Ooooo just love this office look!

  11. I love the proportions and the colors of this outfit!

  12. Although I LOVE fall clothes and layering, I am not looking forward to all the indoor wardrobe pics from all my favorite bloggers :( natural outdoor lighting just looks so much better! You can never get a good feel for the true colors of an outfit with icky indoor lightbulbs and camera flashes. Boo!

    p.s.I like that tank!

  13. I am in awe of this outfit. It is so sophisticated. Stunning and I think if you wear it only for a few hours you are completely allowed to cheat and wear it again! :)

  14. love the color combination. totally digging your nail paint.

  15. I am jealous of all that space for books! Mine are crammed onto 4 shelves in the spare room and I have no space for any more. :(
    I see you have one of the Lucky shopping guides - I have that too!

  16. I've got winter on the brain, too ... practice indoor shoots are a GREAT idea!

    Just adore the pleated detailing on that blouse.

  17. Love!...both the top and skirt!

  18. What a pretty top - I would never have guessed it was from Sears! Your shopping prowess is clearly magnificent.

  19. i just love this color combination!


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