Saturday, August 15, 2009


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What a day! I work at 7am on Saturdays with 2 meetings back to back. The good thing is that I'm done by 11:15. The bad thing is that I'm way sleepy for the rest of the day. But I haven't gotten my nap in yet today, because we went to see 500 Days of Summer. Which was amazing.

Then, the grocery store, which I hate on the weekends. There's way too many people in low gear on Saturday and Sunday. I don't want to be in the supermarket (which is freezing cold) any longer than I absolutely have to. Then, we came home and made yummy, yummy burritos. Now, I'm pooped. Oh, and it's way hot out.

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While I'm perfectly happy in the mornings, I am not particularly fast. It takes me a while to get up to full speed, so I usually end up repeating outfits to make life easier. I actually wore this on Tuesday, but never posted it.

I'm loving the oxford with a poufy skirt look. It's so chic and comfy. And I'm loving this version just as much. It's my wonderful DIY eyelet skirt paired with a pink pinstripe shirt (The Gap, $11) and cinched with a vintage belt that I found in my poppop's basement when I was in college. Because comfort is key on Saturdays, I opted for my red leather Clarks. Great choice.

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Now that the workday is over, I can stop and smell the roses (hahaha). Or I can go lay down on a bed of roses...mmmm, nap time.


  1. I love this outfit, especially the poofy eyelet skirt!

  2. Red shoes are always great! I was looking for an oxford shirt while thrifting yesterday and came up with none...I'll have to keep looking! Stay cool!

  3. You look great in that white skirt! It really suits you. And I love the awesome old belt. You also rock the oxford look so hard; makes me want, nay NEED, to try it for myself!!

  4. Great outfit! I love the oxford, and the shoes are awesome. I need some red shoes - but am having a hard time finding the right pair. :-)

  5. Classic! I'm so impressed with the DIY. Thanks for poating how you did it.

  6. This is a very classic/comfy outfit, looks great on you. :)

  7. love the way you have accessorized it with the brown leather belt, that is the perfect contrast to the pastel shades of the outfit.Also your red flats look cute and I always thought red cannot look good with pink. Ahhh really need to break my stereotypes. Hope you had a nice weekend.

  8. You're looking mighty amazing here:)


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