Wednesday, September 12, 2012

and again

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In my last post, I credited Mimi's blog for reigniting my fire for sewing and then, forgot to link to it!  You must check her out - she's super talented!

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I swear I've worn other clothes between my last post and this one.  It just happened to be another busy week, so the pictures just didn't happen.  I'm looking forward to some renewed inspiration come fall.  I've already started putting together some cooler-weather looks, which are patiently waiting to be worn.  Patiently...
On Friday, I'm heading to Philly with my mom for a girls' weekend.  So excited!  Any must-sees or favorite shops that we should check out?  Any suggestions would be so appreciated!

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ASOS Pants, $40ish (Get the look!)
OTBT Sandals, $80 (Get the look!)

Shop my closet on Smashion!
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  1. Very nice site

  2. please send unlimited sms


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