Thursday, August 13, 2009

wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week! HOLY CRAP!

Imagine how stoked I was this morning when I went over to bits and bobbins to realize that I had been chosen along with 7 other awesomely (?) creative, funky and stylish ladies from around the world as one of the wardrobe_remix(ers) o' the week. Holy crap!

If you haven't already, you need to check out wardrobe_remix. It's a flickr community that allows people from all over to submit their daily wears. The inspiration is endless! Check it out.

wrow 8-13-09


  1. I love that look! Very Katherine Hepburn:)

  2. Aw! Congrats! Well deserved, for sure!

  3. Congrats, Kyla! That's so awesome!!

  4. Congratulations!
    I am not surprised at all, your sense of style is awesome! :) Very well deserved!

  5. You're all that and more!!!!! This is FANTASTIC - good for you!


I LOVE to hear from my awesome readers, so let me know what you're thinking! If you don't have a blog, please leave your email, so that I can respond and/or answer any questions. Always, Kyla

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