Monday, August 10, 2009


I've been all sorts of techie this past week.

First, it was the Facebook Fan Page (seriously, are you a fan, yet?), then, I haven't told you, yet, BUT ... I twitter now. I twit now? Tweet now? Whatever, I do it.

AND what I think is kind of most exciting ... I bought my domain name, so you can conveniently find me at plain old YAY!


  1. cool, is your blog moving then? :-)

  2. Look at you, miss technology!!

    Oh, and congrats on being one of Weardrobe's selected bloggers! I'd be lyin' if I said I wasn't a little jealous. ;) But way awesome!!!

  3. Nope, I not going anywhere. It's still a Blogger blog, just redirected to my own domain.

    Thanks, Clare. I'm pretty freakin' excited! I can't believe I was asked. I will be sure to tell you all about it!

  4. How much does it cost to buy your domain name?

    Whats this weardrobe business?


I LOVE to hear from my awesome readers, so let me know what you're thinking! If you don't have a blog, please leave your email, so that I can respond and/or answer any questions. Always, Kyla

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