Monday, August 10, 2009


Equation of the day:
Temperature = 92 = Humidity

Seriously, my morning workout was like running under water. Whew! I kind of love it, though. Too bad PA can't get around to passing a budget - all of the state parks/local lakes/beach areas are closed down. So sad...


8-10-09 2

I'm loving this outfit. Since quitting my job = had to quit shopping (more math), I've added more clothing than I could even buy to my wardrobe just by altering the massive pile of things I could no longer wear for various reasons. This skirt was one of the them and all it needed was smaller elastic in the waist. It took all of 10 minutes. Honestly, I think I forgot that it was buried in aforementioned pile.


What makes it super special though is that it was my grandmother's skirt. She lived in a huge farmhouse that had tons of closets. After she passed away, I got to go through everything. She kept a LOT of stuff and kept everything in really good condition. I was lucky enough to inherit a lot of really amazing pieces. This skirt is probably from the late 60's - 70's. It has a matching tunic that has a GINORMOUS disco-looking collar. I've never worn the shirt, but this skirt is a favorite. The fabric is so soft and flowy and the pattern is super funky. I'm soooo glad to have it back in rotation! I only wish she could see how I'm styling it these days.

8-10-09 1

I kept the rest pretty casual with an oversized v-neck tee (F21, $6), Aerosole wedges (Ross, $20) and an obi belt that my mom got from The Gap a couple of years ago for only $2 or $3. And a short stack of bangles, 2 from Claire's and the white one was my grandmother's.

I mentioned my grandmother in a post last week and someone pointed out in the comments that she comes up quite a bit in my blog and that I should post her picture. I like that idea.

Her name was Marjorie Mae, but it was Marnie to me. I grew up on a hill that was across a cornfield from her house and spent almost every summer day of my youth at "the farm." It was always referred to as "the farm," even though the animals had been gone for years. Anyway, Marnie and I were very much alike in many ways, and I think if there is such thing as a soulmate, she would be mine. It's funny, because she wasn't always an easy person to get along with, but she was different with me. And I could never explain why. We just got each other I guess.

She passed away when I was 25 and I still miss her more than I've ever missed anyone. I wish she could see what I'm doing and all the projects I'm working on. She loved to check out my latest sewing project, and I think she'd get a kick out of this blog. I wish I could still go out for brunch with her or sit in her kitchen or on her front porch and just talk. We were a pair for sure. As cliché as it sounds, I truly feel like there's a piece of her living in me. It's both comforting and sad.

This has always been one of my FAVORITE pictures of Marnie and PopPop. It was taken in October of 1943, which would make her 25 years old. Are they a dapper looking couple or what? Now, that's style.

marnie & poppop


  1. Great post! In the future, I'll have to try harder to fight back a tear or two while reading blogs (particularly ones about fashion).

    I've been working on a couple comic strip that deals with the death of my grandmother, so it hit close to home. Awesome old time picture though! I need to dig some of those out.

  2. Oh Kyla! She's downright lovely.

    I also feel a very strong connection with my grandmother and her little sister. Many family members over the years have commented that I'm a combination of those two ladies, but I think they're being generous. My great aunt Zelda died when I was just 8, but I remember her quite vividly, and whenever I see pictures of her, there is such a feeling of camaraderie. My grandma Dorothy died a year ago last April and we really were kindred spirits. I get all of my crazy from her. ;)

  3. You look gorgeous as usual, that skirt is so pretty, i also love those shoes!

    That is an awesome picture of your grandparents, i really love how fashion back then used to be, so elegant, so classy. Thanks for sharing :)

    Also, i can't wait to see the rest of your sewing projects, i am so passionate about sewing myself, that every time i see someone doing clothing recontruction/alteration, i get so excited!

  4. I love everything about this post. I love the outfit...the fact that you are adding to wardrobe by shopping your "project pile."

    I loved the story about your grandma - I never had much of a chance to know mine, but my daughter has a wonderful relationship with her gramma - similar to the one you describe.

    <3 <3

  5. Ditto The_DFC....brought tears to my eyes. You are very lucky to have had that relationship with your grandmother. You come from a line of DIYers and you're SEW resourceful. Love the outfit. Nice blog.

  6. Oh, she's beautiful! I'm so glad you shared this piece of your life and family with us. My grandmother passed away a few years ago and I'm not sure if I'm really "over it" yet. I'm also not sure if anyone can ever really get "over" the death of a loved one. Anyway, it was nice to read this and reminded me of Nani. Some of my favorite pieces of jewelry and scarves are heirlooms from Nani, and I LOVE this skirt that your grandma passed down to you. It looks simply amazing on you!!

  7. Oh, wow, that's old school glamour at its best! She must have passed it down. Love the blog ma'am :-)

  8. LOVE the outfit. So cute.

    And a really nice post about your grandma. very sweet.

  9. Your grandma was very lovely. I love how she's wearing that hat.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I loved your post, not only was the outfit super but, your words for your grandma had me shed a tear.
    Some of us have the privilege of having that connection.
    After I finish writing this I will call my grandma who is turning 80 soon.
    All the best :)

  12. Loving this outfit - and lovey pic of your family!

  13. That is such a lovely picture of your grandparents and such a lovely blog you wrote. I never had the privelege of meeting my grandparents and like yours; they lived in a farm. I've heard that growing up in and around farms is very wonderful...a very special place to be. I'm really glad you posted this. It truly warmed my heart. btw and of course -- great job on that skirt. Nice way to keep your grandmother's things alive.

  14. You look truly amazing, i love the print on the skirt!!!
    Your grandmother looks so sweet here!!

    Check out my blog please


  15. Really nice post. I love clothing with a special history....

  16. Fabulous picture of your grandmother, now we know where you get your style!

  17. The picture of your grandparents is beautiful. I LOVE looking at old pictures (especially of family members) for inspiration. Also, love your outfit. The obi belt pulls together the drapey shirt and full skirt perfectly.

  18. i love the belt. amazeee

    also...i kind of miss pictures like this. they are so real

  19. That could be my favorite outfit since I started following your blog. I'm sure your Grandma would be tickled pink to see you creating such stylish outfits out of her wardrobe. It looks like she was a very stylish lady in that photo!

  20. great skirt and fabulous belt. is that python-print? i had no idea such a bold pattern would have "flown" then :)

  21. Wonderful post! The outfit is great, of course. Thanks for sharing the story and picture of your grandmother.

  22. Lovely pic! Now I know for sure where you got your fashion/style genes from. YOur grandma looks stunning in the picture.
    Nice post. Love what you have done with the skirt( I had no idea, people wore such prints in your grand moms generation or may be she was ahead of her generation) and you are wearing wedges which means your back is better:-)

  23. im in love with your grandparents


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