Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I had a banner day! When I woke up this morning, I was still on cloud nine from all the positive feedback to yesterday's confidence post. Then, I checked my blog stats to find that I had surpassed a new milestone. Thanks, guys! I absolutely LOVE pouring my heart and soul into this blog and knowing that so many of you read it, enjoy it, and even look forward to it means more to me than I could ever express in words.

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THEN, I found out that I won a DVF dress from The Small Fabric of My Life! Holla! Thank you sooooo much. I can't wait to get it in the mail!

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Then, I went to a job that pays half of what I used to make, yet walked out with a smile on my face, knowing that I had made a positive impact on at least one person's day. THEN, I came home to a couple of awesome emails from a couple of awesome ladies. SOOO....

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I did a little happy dance! Hope you're all having a GREAT week!

(Oh, yeah ... what am I wearing? This is the Limited top I thrifted the other day for 14 and a half cents. RIDICULOUS! It's paired with a pair of Limited shorts from Ross for $13, a leopard H&M belt ($12) and a pair of JCP patent flats ($8). And because I'm a sucker for a kitschy trend, I just HAD to have my own anchor necklace which is a craft store charm (3/$2) on a gold chain.)


  1. need to be my stylist
    i can pay love

  2. I am running out of words to tell you how lovely you look every day.
    Love the striped top with bright shorts and the animal print belt. and 14 cents for that top!!! are you kidding me.
    Btw congrats on winning the dress

  3. Ah, you have a good thrift source as well. :)

    Great classic look!!

  4. fun nautical look! And congrats on winning that dress!

  5. What a ray of crack me up! Like the look, too!!! The look on your face is priceless.

  6. LOVE the necklace. It reminds of some anchor earrings I spied on etsy. I must buy those suckers.

  7. Loving this look so much! You look great in stripes, and I adore those shorts each time I see them. I'm glad you liked my little comments. I really can't say enough times how much this community means to me, and you're a big part of that. :)

  8. You look AMAZING!! 14 and a half cents??? NO WAY!! That top is fab!

  9. Nothing beats a postive outlook on life and I'm glad you're just feeling so good:) Stay Blessed in everything you set out to do! BTW, of course you know I dig your outfit right?


I LOVE to hear from my awesome readers, so let me know what you're thinking! If you don't have a blog, please leave your email, so that I can respond and/or answer any questions. Always, Kyla

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