Monday, August 24, 2009


I had a ton of work and errands to do today, so I wanted to be up and out when the husband went to work. The weather is 20 degrees cooler than is was last Monday - can you believe it? Now, it's in the the low 70's. Guess that's all we're getting for summer.

Anyway, I digress ... in light of the weather and the busy-ness, I just wanted to keep it relaxed, but pulled together.

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My favorite Wilco tee from the best concert EVER hadn't seen the light of day for months, so I threw is on with a pair of drapey white linen pants (JCP, $18). It doesn't get much more relaxed than that.

I threw the safari jacket (thrifted, $2) on for just a little more comfort and a hint of shape in the waist. Studded sandals (Ross, $9), silver jewelry and Ray-Bans were the perfect finishing touches.

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I'll be working my tail off this week. I've got a couple of orders to get done before the the zaniness gets started. On Thursday, I'll be a carnie for a week. I'll tell you more about that later. And then, after the fair, I'm heading to NYC for a long weekend. Can't freakin' wait!

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Happy Monday, all!


  1. This is a cute outfit. I especially love those earrings. Have a fun time in NYC!

  2. Oh, you look fabulous. I have a pair of white linen pants very similar to those and I wear them ALL the time! Love it!

  3. YOu still haven't shared with me about this NYC thing...
    I love love those pants!

  4. I love linen---almost to a fault. I've been trying other things lately to break myself of the obsession!! These pants are wonderful on you! And I love the shirt- it makes what could be a sort of plain outfit look a little more rock-and-roll.

  5. Love this look and your sassy poses!! Can't wait to hear more about all your super exciting adventures, mah'dear.

  6. love the coat
    it pulls it all together

  7. I love this outfit. The white pants and tee and khaki jacket on top looks great!!!

  8. Oh that's it, i am coming to steal the jacket from you, and those pants, i seriously am in complete an utter love with both, i really am. haha.

    You look so gorgeous, i love your hair too, beautiful :)

  9. 'cool as a cucumber'...really wanted to say that:-)

  10. Love this cool, laid-back look. I can't wait to meet you either! I'm getting so so so excited about New York.

  11. Love the pants. The whole look is really great. You look super comfy while still looking like an adult that outs some effort in haha

  12. Love it- you look so relaxed and comfy yet still stylin!


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