Thursday, August 27, 2009


Did you hear that loud squealing noise? That was summer coming to a screeching halt. I probably could've worn tights today and been okay. But I refuse to face that reality just yet.

8-27-09 1

I actually didn't plan my outfit last night and managed to not only be ready early this morning, but ended up really happy with what I pulled together. I haven't worn this shirt (Gap, $25ish) for a while and just felt like wearing it today. The skirt (The Loft, $10) is a piece that I feel iffy about on its own, but the belt (NY&C - long time ago, shortened a couple weeks ago) made it work so much better. Since I knew I'd be on my feet all day, I threw on a pair of tweed ballet flats (Target, $10).

8-27-09 2

Today was a great day. I just finished the fair day 1, so I'm a little tired. I'm getting soooooo excited for my weekend in NYC next week and am starting to freak out at how my time until then is getting really, really full. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but I'll make it through.

8-27-09 3

I'm learning so much about what I can do these days. Since I quit my job, I have had opportunities coming at me every week. Today, I just secured a small part-time gig that will make up the financial difference from quitting my job. So awesome! And it's all because I know people who are great people and I put myself out there. The best part, though, is that I didn't accept the first offer, which is something the old me would have jumped on. It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, so even though I risked losing the job altogether, I asked for what I wanted. And it totally paid off! So, stick up for yourselves, girls!

8-27-09 4

Now, I'm actually running the risk of being overextended ... I tend to do that. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.


  1. Oooooo, this look is so feminine and sweet! I love that you added some print with the tweed flats, and I WANT that belt :)

  2. You look beautiful! Awesome shirt, awesome skirt, the flats are super cute! I love your hair down like that too, gorgeous =)

  3. Congratulations on getting what you want! I wish I were a bit more like that sometimes and stood up for what I want. I'm totally loving the ruffles and the belt - it creates such great shape. Have a great weekend!

  4. Well done on getting the part time gig and on getting what you want!

    The outfit looks great!

  5. I'm loving that blouse and your hair looks super-fab today!!

  6. congratulations! i fantasize about quitting my day job soooo much. good for you. really cute outfit- the blouse is awesome. gotta love ruffles. and as much as i think gap tends to be boring (this shirt isn't though), their clothes still hold up well; i have a shirt or two i've had literally since 7th grade!

  7. That is SO awesome! and I am loving this top!!!! :)

  8. congrats for sticking to your guns and getting what you want! this looks so put together doesn't look like you threw it on last minute!

  9. You look so lovely and feminine today!


  10. Congratulations on standing up for yourself and not just settling! That is so awesome!! I need to learn how to do that sometimes. I am usually afraid of losing out so sometimes i don't go for what I want in order not to risk losing it. I want to be able to take more risks...thank you for that inspiration to know that sometimes you just need to risk it and it will work out.

    P.S. Your outfit looks great... nice job!!

  11. What a great lesson for all of us! Thanks!

    I really love the color combo of the graphic black with the calm pale blue, gorgeous!

  12. I love this outfit. That shirt is great. The belt is pretty awesome and I love the shape of the skirt. Congrats on holding out for a better offer! Having the guts to stand up for yourself is such a great quality to have. If only you could share it with us... ;)

  13. Blue is very flattering color for you, and congrats for not settling!

  14. Love love love this look! Congrats on all the majorly fantastic things you're doing!

  15. So great! I love the blue - so pretty on ya.

  16. That belt is amazing, and thanks for the advice. Words we all need to hear again! :0)

  17. We need to meet up for coffee or something when you get to NY lady!!

  18. Good for you!

    You look amazing btw. Love the ruffles, belt, and skirt!

  19. I love that top. I actually have something very similar but it is purple and eighties - and yours works much better! With the skirt it is great too!

  20. I love this shirt! It looks like something they'd try to sell for 3x the price this fall.

  21. The skirt and top perfectly balance one another. I wish I had your stash of belts!


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