Monday, November 5, 2012

found: the perfect beanie

 Well, it's finally cold outside, which can only mean one thing.  It's time to break out the beanies.

During the winter months, few things can part me with my beanie.  I may push off wearing my heavy coat until sub-zero temps, but as soon as there's a nip on the tip of my ears, the knit hat comes out.

I'm always on the look for a comfy version the slouches ever so perfectly.  A couple of weeks ago, I found it in the most unsuspecting place.  After sifting through the womens section of outerwear at Target, I found myself in the mens section with John.  While he searched for undershirts, I decided to scope out the head wear.  And what to my wandering eyes should appear?  Why, the perfect beanie ... in a multitude of hues ... for only $4!

I immediately pulled the maroon and grey and then, went back a couple of days later for the light blue - aka the blue hair for Thing 1 and 2.  I haven't stopped wearing them since.  In fact, when I came downstairs ready to leave for an afternoon of shopping yesterday, John looked at me at asked, "So, how long is this beanie thing going to last?"  I immediately got my stink eye warmed up, when I realized the man had a point.  I'm a woman addicted.  So, I calmed myself a bit and simply replied, "Until March."

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  1. And they are 20% off at my local target. I was looking for something to wear after the gym on my sweaty, messy hair. These are perfect :)

  2. Dan buys a bunch of these because they're just so perfect and he inevitably loses them throughout the year. They're perfect!


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