Sunday, October 11, 2009


Iggy and I spent the most beautiful weekend in this cottage at Eagles Mere.

cottage 2

With no cell reception or internet (for my new laptop that came in the mail just before I left!) - we were really roughin' it ... haha

view 4

It's nice to just get away, even if it's only for 24 hours.

carol view

Especially when you're amidst views like these.

view 3

And sun-shiney weather like this.


Today, we drove around a lot.

iggy window 5

First, we just took in the gorgeous fall colors.

iggy window 4

Then, we went to a small county fair, complete with a wood carving competition.

iggy window 3

Then, we drove to another nearby small town for a Freedom Celebration (read: community yard sale with food).

iggy window 2

Afterward, it was back to the cottage for some more clams and leftover baked beans.  Mmm, mmm...

iggy window 1

As you can imagine, it was an exhausting day.

iggy sleep

So, now, Iggy and I are off to bed.  Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. The trees look gorgeous! Your dog is adorable too; hair blowing in the wind is a look of utter freedom. :)

  2. love that fantastic house and awesome the trees <3333333

  3. Hee, Hee, Iggy's "travel story" was cracking me up. He(?) was really hamming it up! I'm a bit north of you and enjoying the same amazing fall. Thanks for the pics.

  4. What a gorgeous spot. So glad you and Iggy had such a lovely weekend!

  5. Best post EVA!!! I love the action shots!!!!!!!

  6. Beautiful shots!!!

    Those pictures of Iggy with his head out the window are the best!

  7. poor little pooped out Iggy! looks like ya'll had a wonderful time.

  8. wow look at those gorgeous fall colors!

  9. Makes me miss my puppy! I'm so excited that autumn is here...I hope the winter doesn't come too soon so we can enjoy it for a bit. :)

  10. Wow, what a beautiful place, the colors are amazing... and your dog is sooo cute, I love those windy shots..!

  11. Iggy is wearing a great outfit and he's working the wind (especially in the first photo) like a pro. So cute.

  12. I love the dog in the window shots for each location, so cute!

  13. SO gorgeous
    enjoy the break from reception while you have it

    check out my blog @

  14. sounds like a fabulous 24 hours! The photos look like they do justice to the gorgeous place. Looks just beautiful and sunny, and in full autumn swing. I love it, love that you took time to get away. It really is so important to do that. and yum clams! super awesome!

    great pics of your pup. my dogs love to do that too and they always looks so silly. I've always wanted to get them a pair of "dog-gles" for long trips like that when they stick their heads out the window. But the hubby says that they look to strange. lol

    anyways, glad you had a relaxing time, but now glad you are back with the new laptop because I am ready for some killer outfit posts as per usual. :)


  15. Your dog has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

  16. Beautiful pictures! Iggy is soooo cute...awwww, i love dogs, he totally melts my heart <3

  17. Your dog is such a ham! You make a perfect pair!

  18. Bahahaha, I'm dying!!! Iggy is so cute! You should bring him to the next conference & Suz should bring Ro and they will be our lovely mascot cuties.

  19. beautiful pictures! I love the pics of your dog, too cute!

  20. Beautiful! I love watching the leaves change color.


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