Tuesday, October 6, 2009


10-6-09 1

It was a very busy, yet fun day today.  I worked 4 different jobs, which I think is fantastic!  I'm not one for monotony.

10-6-09 2

The worst part is that one gig was in the hospital for about an hour.  Man, I HATE hospitals and I REALLY HATE them during flu season in a college town.  I seriously wanted to be Bubble Girl today.  But, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go with my outfit.

10-6-09 3

Last time I was to the hospital was last summer when my husband had surgery on his nose.  I went to see him in the recovery room and got so light-headed and nauseous that the nurses had to put me in a wheelchair and then into my own bed in the next curtain.  Then, I was force fed juice and crackers.  As if that wasn't humiliating enough, I accidentally set off the car alarm while the nurse was helping him into the car (she was trying to keep me away from him, so I wouldn't get sick again).  Then, I got home and realized that I never returned the pager that they give to people who are waiting for patients in surgery.  It was horrible!  And my poor, poor husband...

Anyway, it's just really not my scene.  The only saving grace today was the completely random stranger who complimented my boots :)

10-6-09 4

But, I made it through and lived to tell you about my outfit.  Mmm...another favorite fall combo already...  I may have to give up blogging for a couple of weeks, so I can repeat some recent outfits.


Jacket: Thrifted, $2 - T-neck: Ross, $3 - Suede Skirt: Thrifted, $3 - Boots: Courtesy of Alice & Olivia for Payless / Weardrobe Conference - Bag: Courtesy of Carmen & Ginger Etsy / won from Style Symmetry - Tights:  Hue, $15ish (cost more than the rest of the outift combined!) - Adorable Gold Anchor Earrings: Courtesy of Bing Bang / Weardrobe Conference - Gold Chains: Thrifted, Inherited Vintage


  1. I'm so jealous of your red botts =]
    you look great!

  2. i'm loving the mix of colors in this outfit and i want that jacket! the proportions are so good!

  3. Loving the boots girl!


  4. Those boots are so great!! I want them, but I don't think I could pull off the red as nicely as you can.

    You look so cozy in this outfit. Love it!


  5. Such a cute outfit! I love how those red boots just amp your outfits up to the next level! Sassy and fun; love it!!

  6. Love the red Alice + Olivia boots! They are fierce! Ow Ow!



  7. 4 jobs today! you were kept running. At least you had those beautiful boots to keep you going ;)

  8. I have these boots in black...but mine don't have the slit in the back like yours. Did yours come like that?

  9. thanks for your sweet comment over on my blog! I was FLOORED when I saw your comment! No way, Kyla is checkin out my blog?! Your one of the bloggers I have been following forever, and actually inspired me to start one of my own, so thanks!

    anyways, I have been in love with those red boots of your since you brought them back from the conference. Now every time I drive past payless I am itching to go in and get a pair!! I already have a surplus of boots and can't justify another, but sigh.... those ones are just the best. That red color? how it pops against the black? yikes, I die.

    lol great outfit post as always, love the shots in this alley. And glad to hear you made it through this hospital visit unscathed and that it wasn't as traumatic as your last trip. Hey, at least no one force fed you juice this time, right? :)



  10. love love love those boots and i would definitely have stopped you on the street to tell you so.

    and you are, apparently, superwoman, so they are perfect ;)

  11. This is FANTASTIC! Those boots really make the outfit.

  12. Ooooh! You're wearing my favorite red boots again. I would be totally okay with your blog if you wore those VERY single day! :0)

  13. Thanks for showing off the bag and for including a link to my shop! I was so happy to see that it went to someone super excited to receive it - it looks so great on you! Of course, You can no longer wear it with those boots, however, as they steal the show! ;-)


  14. Those red boots are truly stunning!

    One Love,

  15. i am so in love with those boots... i'm looking to buy a red pair or an electric blue pair for this winter...


  16. The boots become the highlight of any outfit you wear. thats the first thing that gets noticed. And dont you love when strangers give you compliments. I love it.

  17. I love that last picture!
    great look.

  18. wow no wonderful you dont like hospitals! did you ever return the pager thingy or do you still have it?!

  19. Oh it looks great on you, enjoy the bag! :)

  20. I really need to get some red boots!


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