Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I seriously cannot believe it is September already. I am just not mentally prepared for such nonsense.

I have been running around this week like a chicken with its head cut off. But it's all leading up to a really, really good finale! Most of you have caught the buzz of the Weardrobe NYC Conference by now. If not you can read a little more about it here. And if you are the sponsory type, please read closely :) I can't f'n wait! It's a good thing I'm so busy or else I'd be going nuts with anticipation. Like, what the hell am I going to wear?!

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Until then, I'm working no less than 12 hours a day this week and then tearing down at the fair until about 12-1 am Thursday night/Friday, then off to sleep for a few brief hours and hop on a bus to NYC at 8am Friday. I'm sooooo excited to meet the INCREDIBLE talent that will be there and to finally meet the famous Jessica of What I Wore - the very first inspiration to start my blog. I still can't believe that I've been included in the same arena with these ladies!

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Anyway, today's look had to be quick with all the flying around and such. I love these pinstriped pants and am soooo glad they found their way into my life. I had the exact same pair before I lost all of my weight, but had to get rid of them when they were 4 sizes too big. Lo and behold, I went to a clothing swap a couple weeks ago and there they were! In the right size! I love how the universe works these things out :)

The rest of the look is comprised of the usual suspects with a vintage scarf of my Nanny's to add a little flava. And the turquoise polish of course:)

I'll be checking in again soon, but now I need to send off a couple proofs and then go bake me some more dumplin's!


  1. That scarf is to die for! I'm excited for you to go to NY. Take lots of pics with all the lovely girls and post em!

  2. Congratulations and Have fun! Even though you're tearing through the hours right now getting things done and what not...you sincerely look great working your tail off.

  3. Lucky you! Have fun in NYC! I think Jess would be the coolest person to meet too.

  4. I'm not gonna lie, I'm so jealous. I would give up my favorite pair of shoes to be able to go to the bloggers meeting in NYC. You have to tell us ALL about it when you get back and take lots of pictures! Have fun!!

  5. Beautiful scarf! And I want PICTURES! when you go to NYC :D

  6. Love the scarf and omg I'm sooo jealous you're going to NYC!! What an amazing experience!

  7. What a pretty pretty scarf. Have a wonderful time in NYC!!! I'm so happy for you. Your hard work has paid off!

  8. YAY!! Congratulations! I can't think of why you would be so surprised to be included in such a group. You have such a FRESH, individual style and make it look effortless! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  9. Congrats! Lovely business cards, too! Have fun. I am excited to see everyone's reports from the Weardrobe Conference!

  10. Hey Kyla! that scarf totally made your outfit! I love it's vintage feel! And from your last post, I am loving those bigger pants. I may have to try out the thrift store to find some and steal this look :D. Aaaand....from your last last post, I made cards too!!! :D Except they're printed out on cheap cardstock and it only has the website and my email on it. So original but at least it was cheap... hehe ;)

  11. ahhh the scarf makes that outfit. its perfect.

  12. Have so much fun! I am totally inspired by Jess as well, so I think you're pretty lucky to get to meet her. When you get back it would be awesome if you could share any tips- especially those on promotion and developing an audience. I'm just starting out in the blogging world and at a complete loss for how to get attention.

  13. That sounds so awesome- have fun!!!

  14. Wh-woah, great way to wear that scarf, looks so chic. Will go read up on the conference after I'm done catching up on your blog.

  15. I absolutely love your shirt, the paisley pattern is so pretty! would you like to trade links?


I LOVE to hear from my awesome readers, so let me know what you're thinking! If you don't have a blog, please leave your email, so that I can respond and/or answer any questions. Always, Kyla

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