Saturday, August 22, 2009


Saturdays are my early morning work days. I have to be there at 7:15. It was actually kind of dark when I woke up this morning. I think I would like winter a lot better if it weren't for the short days.

Anyway, when I got home, we took Iggy Pop for a walk and had a little impromptu photo session. Husband done good...

8-22-09 1

I'm remixing Marnie's old skirt already. I truly LOVE this skirt. The fabric feels divine, especially in the midst of the heat and humidity. It was styled up very simply today - black tank (Target, $6), vintage gold kissing turtles belt (ebay, $13), and gold t-straps (Kenneth Cole Reaction,, $40ish).

8-22-09 2

Can you tell I did like a million push-ups yesterday? My gym membership was free through my old job, so when I quit the job, I quit the gym. Now, I'm forced to find creative and cheap ways to work out. I've gotten hooked on OnDemand. Not exactly creative, but definitely cheap. I've found the Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" workouts and I love them! They're only about 20-30 minutes start to finish and they're a great workout. Today, I'm feeling a little hulked out.
hehehe ;)

8-22-09 arty 2

I insisted that husband try to get an arty shot. He listened well, but most of the arty happened in Photoshop :)

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. SHHHHHH don't let out the secrets of the photoshop. DId you photoshop in Vin Diesel's muscle? LOL
    I was just gonna say when I saw that pic "Holy bicep! Girl can kick some serious ass!". Don't worry about gyms, they are overpriced bull of a money grab and they like to screw you even after you quit the gymm...god I hate gyms. I depend on morning walks and my WII.

  2. love the last pic, even if the effect were by photoshop, it looks great. and the skirt is another great piece you own. and i am so much in love with that turtle belt, i have been looking for sth similar but no luck:-(

  3. Beautiful outfit, and pictures. You gotta love a hubby who's not afraid of the camera. :-)

  4. Love the skirt, love the hair, love the adorable arty photoshopping.

  5. You are just too cute! Well, you and your husband, he takes awesome shots :) i love Jillian Michaels too by the way, she rocks! The 30 day shred workouts are awesome i love them all, she is a wonderful trainer.

    The last photo is super cute, love it!!

  6. You look so cool and comfortable. I'm not looking forward to winter. I'm only looking forward to the different wardrobe for the season ;D

  7. cute dog and nice skirt!

  8. I like your pictures, they are very down to earth and real :)

  9. Soo pretty!! I love your hairdo :)


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