Saturday, August 8, 2009


To round out the list of ways to wear your maxi...

8-7-09 1

This one may be one of my favorites, yet! Can you picture this in the fall with a pair of flat slouchy brown boots? Speaking of which, if anyone would like to send me a pair of slouchy brown boots, I'm size 7.5...

8-7-09 3

There's something very seventies, but modern about this look. It was the perfect outfit to run some errands on a cooler summer day and then to a BBQ in the evening.

Too bad I was in too much of a rush to do my hair. Next time. And there will be a next time.

8-7-09 4

And of course, the fabulous Ray-Bans, compliments of Lucky Style Spotter!

8-7-09 2

Hope you're all having a great weekend!


  1. What a great way to dress up your maxi! I hope you don't mind but I'm going to use your photo for inspiration for tomorrow's outfit.

  2. You are the maxi QUEEN! I am absolutely stealing so many of your maxi ideas it's shameful :) Love love love this one!

  3. I really like how you're coordinating colors here. The scarf and bangles add an interesting colorful twist to the neutrals of the maxi and oxford.

  4. I just bought that outfit today! Not that very one of course but a cute maxi with a button down to tie just-so over it! I must've been channeling Kyla! LoL

  5. Yes, you're Queen of the Maxi! Even loved all your looks in the previous post :)

  6. This is my favorite as well -

    I think my second being the orange maxi with the denim jacket. Your original post must have subconsciously planted that color combo into my head, because I wore it yesterday - and I kept thinking, I have seen an orange skirt and denim jacket together somewhere, where was it?? :-)

  7. you look REALLY good in a maxi! and i would have never thought to wear it this way-very creative! thanks for sharing this!

  8. So cute! I should have bought this one pair of boots I saw at the thrift store- they were slouchy, cream-colored leather. Flat and slouchy. Size 8- a SMALL size 8. I should grab them regardless (for 50 cents, why not)and send them to you!

  9. I have attempted this look but it never looked quite right...but you have inspired me to try it again. This looks wonderful on you.

  10. That is a fabulous look! Loving the scarf with the tied up button down!

  11. How gorgeous, i love everything. I always love it when you wear those sandals, they look so comfy, i definitely needed a pair like those all summer, but never got to buying me a pair. Too bad cause summer is almost over lol.

  12. Very nice!!! the scarf!!

  13. love this! i really like all the ways you style a maxi! it's very inspiring!


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